Shipping Policy

Reliable Delivery & Hassle Free Returns!

We offer Free Delivery to UK Mainland. We endeavour to have all in stock items dispatched within 48 hours and it takes 3-7 working days depending on the size and weight of the item of the order. Most of our deliveries will be made by Fedex, DPD, Hermes or Yodel. 

What if the item's damaged when it arrives, or I was sent the wrong item?

It's important that you inspect your order on delivery. If there is something wrong with your order please contact us immediately.

Our quality team checks your furniture to make sure it's up to the very best standards before we send it to you. But if we've missed something or sent you the wrong thing, just let us know within 14 days. It really helps if you send us a few photos of the damage or any other issues. Our team will assess your case and let you know how to return the item, or arrange for a collection. We'll either give you a full refund or send you a replacement.

So that we can arrange a return, the product needs to be disassembled and repackaged.  

How much do returns cost?

If you need to return an item because it's faulty, or because of something we've done wrong, we won't charge you for the return. But if you're returning an item because you've changed your mind, you'll need to pay the cost noted below.

If you return your whole order, we'll give you a full refund, including what you paid for delivery, minus the returns or collection fee.